Motivate them, train them, care about them and make winners out of them.

We know if we treat our employees right, they’ll treat our customers right.

And if your customers are treated right, they’ll come back.

J W “Bill” Marriot Jr


Your success depends on the calibre and commitment of your team. Make them winners and your company will succeed.

We work alongside you and your team to align your organization’s leadership, talent and culture to drive real change and achieve results.

Our talent framework includes:

  • Organization Design

  • Leadership Assessment & Succession Planning

  • Talent Recruitment to Renewal

  • Performance Management

  • Executive Coaching & Development

  • Change Management & Communications

Our Past Work



Acquisition Integration

Key Highlights:

  1. Organization Design for New Entity based on Business Unit and Support Function

  2. Identification and Retention of Critical and High Potential Talent

  3. Proactive Stakeholder Communication and Engagement to Manage Sentiments

F&B Manufacturing

Skills & Competency Framework Development

Key Highlights:

  1. Future Skill & Competency Planning Across 3 Functional Areas (Operations, Logistics and Business)

  2. Skills & Competencies spanned Soft Skills, Technical, Regulatory and Safety

  3. Multi-skilling Across Job Roles Created Additional Buffer during Peak Periods or Manpower Shortage

Social Services (Non-Profit)

Organization Development

Key Highlights:

  1. Recruitment to Onboarding to Development to Renewal…Driven by Insights from Employee Survey

  2. Succession Planning & Talent Assessment

  3. Mentoring & Coaching based on Servant Leadership Model