Two roads diverged in a wood,

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference

Robert Frost


We know how David felt when he walked up to Goliath, our small company pitching against established brand names.

We know how David felt when Goliath fell, an agile upstart besting industry experts.

We dare to be different and sometimes…crazy.

Our “Guerilla” Go-To-Market Framework includes:

  • Business Development

  • Market & Competitor Studies

  • Solution Development

  • Client & Service Segmentation

  • Marketing, Lead Generation & Sales

  • Delivery & Fulfilment

  • After-Sales, Service and Support

  • Technology Augmentation

  • Change Management

Our Past Works



Turnaround Sales Strategy

Key Highlights:

1. Organization Design and Talent Acquisition: Identified Critical Talent needed for Client’s Success in Key Markets

2. Segmentation of the Market according the Client Type (Public vs Private) and identification of Critical Partners for both Principal and Distributor

3. Zero-based Budgeting for Key Initiatives such as Establishing Direct Presence in Market,


Loyalty Program & CRM Implementation

Key Highlights:

1. Customer Journey Mapping and Sales Analytics. Contrasted Sales Performance across Stores to identify Outliers and Contributing Factors (Staff, Location, System)

2. Customer Segmentation based on Spending Patterns & Basket Analysis: Used to Determine Mechanics in Loyalty Program.

3. Customer Engagement across Personal and Business Cycles: Opportunities to Cement Relationship with Customers

Professional Services

Client Service Transformation

Key Highlights:

1. Multi-Country Transition from Product Sales to Solution Sales

2. Client & Service Segmentation. Right-Sizing Service Offerings to Clients

3. Value Creation for Customers. Account Planning & Voice-of-Client fueling Solution Development